What You Should Know About the Google Play Store Changes

 5 min read

With the first updates kicking in this month, Android apps should be more streamlined and lightweight. Google is also getting a greater level of control.

 a major shift in the way that apps work on Android—and while the changes might not be too noticeable to consumers, it's important to be aware of what's happening and why, if you're a user of Google's mobile operating system.

Starting in August 2021, developers wanting to publish new Android apps on the Google Play Store will have to change how those apps are packaged together: Rather than the traditional APK (Android application package) format that has been in place for years, software makers are going to be required to use the AAB (Android app bundle) framework instead.

We're not going to get into detailed technical breakdowns of how these two standards differ—unless you're a developer, it won't change how you work with your apps—but one of the main reasons for the switch is the huge number of devices that Android runs on.

One of the key benefits of AAB is that it delivers only the parts of an app you actually need for your device. If you're using a phone, for example, you don't need the bigger graphics designed for tablet screens, so the app can be smaller and more lightweight. Rather than developers having to code and package separate APKs for separate devices—or putting everything together in one pile—they can use the AAB route to have this handled automatically.


Changes are coming to the Google Play Store.



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