Shopify Mobile App Builder ‑ MageNative

4 min read 

MageNative - Ideal Partner of your Shopify Store

MageNative lets you convert your Shopify store into a mobile app in a simple and interactive manner. Create an extraordinary app with fabulous features and outstanding designs.

Give your customers never before shopping experience. Retain existing customers and attract new ones. 

Drag and Drop

Our Shopify mobile app builder gives you complete freedom in designing your distinct mobile app from scratch. Simply drag and drop your favorite components and see how your app looks in different colors, images, and styles. No coding required.

Cultivate Brand Loyalty

An eCommerce mobile app is an ultimate tool for increasing brand loyalty. According to Ipsos, 52 percent of people who use a mobile app are more likely to make a purchase with it.

Through your app, your company’s logo is always displayed on your customers’ phones. You are always on their mind and become the first choice when they shop online. 

Drive Sales Instantly with Unlimited Push Notifications

Create unlimited campaigns through built-in push notifications and drive sales instantly by retargeting lost customers. Categorize your lost customers on the basis of location, devices, tastes, and preferences and send them scheduled notifications. 

Boost your Conversion Rates by 4x

Boost your conversions with Google’s Firebase. With features like event tracking, conversion tracking, app performance, you are in full control of your android/iOS Shopify app. Study user behavior and generate insights into product development and launching.

Know your Customers Better with App Analytics

Track every visitor, every order, and every payment with MageNative’s state-of-the-art and flawless analytics system. Track app uninstalls, map revenue trends, segment users, and monitor conversion funnels. Monitor the impact of your offers and manage and predict orders, inventory, and returns. 

Increase App installs

Increase app downloads with mobile app install ads. Make your app visible and discoverable with Google/Facebook ads. These ads are displayed on Google Search and Display Networks, Facebook, and YouTube. The ads are directly linked to the app’s listing on Google Play and App store for instant downloads. 

Attractive and Smart Interface

Modern customers buy from platforms that delight them with never before shopping experience. In this overcrowded market, you cannot expect to make a mark unless you deliver an extra punch that others lack. We at MageNative offer:

  • Delightful mobile apps that make online purchases simple and fun
  • User-friendly and intelligent interface embedded with AI/ML
  • Interactive and customizable themes with features like Wishlist, RTL, etc.

Who We Are?

We are agileHorde Technologies, an award-winning mobile app and web app development company based in India, USA, Philippines. We develop apps that help businesses engage customers effectively.

If you want to find out more, or are looking to outsource development of a tailored application, please reach us at or agileHorde Top Mobile App and Web App Development Company

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